LU Xiaoji,ZHANG Wangxiang,FENG Lan,et al.Color Analysis of Flower Organs of New Malus crabapple Cultivars[J].Northern Horticulture,2024,(24):36-44.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20241059]
- Title:
- Color Analysis of Flower Organs of New Malus crabapple Cultivars
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2024)24-0036-09
- 关键词:
- 观赏海棠; 新品种; 花色表型; ISCC-NBS色名表示法; HSL色空间
- Keywords:
- Malus crabapple; new cultivars; flower color phenotye; ISCC-NBS method of designating colors; HSL color space
- 分类号:
- S 661.4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以100个观花海棠新品种为试材,采用数字化分析法,研究了观花海棠不同花器官色彩谱系,并进行不同开花进程间花色动态分析,以期建立海棠新品种花器官色彩分类体系,挖掘各花器官在不同开花时期的色彩变化规律。结果表明:ISCC-NBS色名表示法将观花海棠新品种各花器官色彩分为9个色系(白色、红色、紫粉色、红紫色、黄绿色、黄色、橙黄色、棕色和红绿渐变色系),较好地实现了100份海棠新品种花器官色彩的还原与分类。观花海棠新品种花器官色彩在开花进程(大蕾期至盛花期)中各品种的主要花器官(花瓣、花柱、花丝)色彩在亮度(L)、饱和度(S)、色调角(H)3个维度皆呈规律性空间分布特点和阶段性变化趋势,即大多数观花海棠新品种均存在花器官色彩淡化现象。新品种各花器官的L值持续上升而S值持续下降,L值高而S值低的品种权重显著增加;花瓣和花丝的H值遵循顺时针向下旋转的下降趋势,而花柱的H值遵循逆时针向上旋转的上升趋势;不同色系的品种权重得出,红色系色相的波动最大。综上所述,通过数字化分析构建海棠不同花器官色彩谱系,数字色彩量化与ISCC-NBS色名表示法相结合,可以更加准确地定义和分类观赏海棠花色,为新品种资源评价、品种选育提供参考依据。
- Abstract:
- Taking 100 new cultivars of Malus crabapple as the test materials,the color pedigrees of different floral organs of 100 new cultivars were studied by digital analysis method,and the dynamic analysis of flower color among different flowering stages was carried out,in order to establish the color classification system of floral organs of new cultivars of flowering crabapple and excavate the color change rule of each floral organ at different flowering stages.The results showed that the ISCC-NBS color name representation method divided the color of each flower organs of the new cultivars of Malus crabapple into 9 color series (white,red,purple pink,red purple,yellow green,yellow,orange yellow,brown and red green gradient color series),which better realized the reduction and classification of the color of the flower organs of 100 new cultivars of Malus crabapple.The color of the main flower organs (petals,style,filaments) of each cultivar in the flowering process (large bud stage to full flowering stage) showed regular spatial distribution characteristics and periodic change trends in the three dimensions of lightness (L),saturation (S) and hue angle (H),that was,most new cultivars of Malus crabapple had the phenomenon of flower organ color desalination.The L value of each flower organ of new cultivars continued to rise and the S value continued to decline,the weight of cultivars with high L value and low S value increased significantly.The H value of petals and filaments followed the downward trend of clockwise rotation,while the H value of style followed the upward trend of counterclockwise rotation.According to the weight of different color cultivars,the fluctuation of red color hue was the largest.In summary,the color pedigree of different flower organs of crabapple was constructed by digital analysis.The combination of digital color quantification and ISCC-NBS color name representation could more accurately define and classify the flower color of Malus crabapple,and provide reference for new cultivar resource evaluation and cultivar breeding.
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