YUAN Xinyue,LIANG Shuai,XIAO Anjing.Development Status and Suggestions of Chinese Vegetable Industry Under the Background of Digital Intelligence[J].Northern Horticulture,2024,(24):128-133.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20241035]
- Title:
- Development Status and Suggestions of Chinese Vegetable Industry Under the Background of Digital Intelligence
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2024)24-0128-06
- 分类号:
- F 326.13
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 我国蔬菜产业在数智化转型方面取得了初步进展,部分区域和企业通过应用物联网、大数据和人工智能等技术提升了蔬菜生产效率和产品质量。数智化转型不仅可以增强蔬菜产业的竞争力,还能促进农业现代化与绿色发展,是蔬菜产业持续发展的关键驱动力。然而,通过调查研究发现,我国蔬菜产业数智化转型过程中,普遍面临技术普及不均、产业链整合难、专业人才短缺以及市场和政策支持不足等挑战。鉴于此,提出需从加强技术研发与创新、优化产业链结构与协同机制、完善政策支持与市场监管以及强化人才培养与教育投入等方面加快推进我国蔬菜产业完成数智化转型,实现高质量发展。
- Abstract:
- Initial progress has been made in digital and intelligent transformation of China’s vegetable industry.Some regions and enterprises have improved vegetable production efficiency and product quality through the application of technologies such as the internet of things (IoT),big data,and artificial intelligence (AI).The digital and intelligent transformation is a key driving force for the sustained growth of the vegetable industry,which can not only enhance the competitiveness of the vegetable industry,but also promote agricultural modernization and green development.However,it is found that China’s vegetable industry generally faces challenges such as uneven technology diffusion,difficult industry chain integration,lack of professional talents,and insufficient market and policy support in the process of digital-intelligent transformation.Given this,it is suggested that we need to accelerate the digital and intellectual transformation of China’s vegetable industry and achieve high-quality development by strengthening technological R&D and innovation,optimizing the industry chain structure and synergy mechanism,perfecting policy support and market supervision,and strengthening talent training and investment in education.
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